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Sunday, October 26, 2014

In TAG October 27-31

Upcoming Events

October 27th-31th Halloween dance tickets on sale at lunch.
October 28th-30th Brock's Own Haunted House is open at lunch.
Friday 31 October is the Halloween Dance at lunch.
Friday 6 November Remembrance Day Assembly.
Monday 10 November Inservice Day.
Tuesday 11 November Remembrance Day - no school.
Tuesday 12-14 November Bake Sale to support courtyard upkeep.
Friday 14 November Tie Dye Day sponsored by Wasylik's TAG 

Bake Sale a Huge Success
Did you know that last week's bake sale raised over $200 for breast cancer research?  Thanks for your support, Brock!

Halloween Haunted House
The Haunted House opens this Tuesday-Thursday at lunch.  Entrance is through the room 125 doors closest to the girls' washroom in the back hallway.  Here's what students need to know:
*admission is 50 cents
*please wait respectfully in the lineup 
*please don't touch/grab/punch decorations or crew members
*keep moving (don't stop) in the haunted house

Pumpkin Carving
TAG teachers received instructions in their mailboxes.  Please send a runner to pick up your pumpkin on Monday morning from room 203.

Halloween Dance
The Halloween Dance is on Friday this week.  Here's what everyone needs to know:
*tickets are on sale for $2 everyday at lunch in the main hall
*students with pre-purchased tickets can go to the dance at 11:30 Fri
*tickets are $4 after 11:45 on Friday
*students may come and go from the dance once they've been stamped
*no food, drinks, or glow sticks in gym
*costumes are optional but encouraged
*lunch is extended for all students until the end of IRA
*teaching staff must supervise hallways and grounds starting at 12:30

Halloween Costumes
Students and staff are encouraged to wear costumes on Friday.  We will be counting participation rates for this event.  Please review the dress code rules with students and make sure they know these rules are enforced on Halloween.  Also, no masks, please.

Health Lesson
This week we have a lesson on personal hygiene.  I've included a quiz and answers that can be used with students.  How you use them is up to you.
Personal Hygiene quiz and information

Looking for Discussion Topics?
If you are interested in generating some meaningful discussions in your TAG class, I've found this potential site.  It's published by the New York Times and created by the Learning Network. It is an American site; however, I think there are a number of topics that may have relevance in your classroom or may prompt you to come up with new questions.  
Clicking on each question takes you directly to an article written about the issue.
Check it out...
182 Questions to Write or Talk About