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Monday, November 30, 2015


Upcoming Holiday Theme Days

Friday 4 December - Sports theme - Hosted by Mr. Coleman’s TAG
Tuesday 15 December - Red and Green Day
Wednesday 16 December - Holiday Hat Day
Thursday 17 December - Ugly Holiday Sweater Day
Friday 18 December - Christmas Assembly in the afternoon

12 Days of Christmas
As you might already know, the “12 Days of Christmas” performance is kind of a big deal at the Brock Christmas Assembly.  Instructions for your TAGs are in your mailboxes now.  Leadership students have been assigned in or to your TAGs to hold the sign and lead your TAG in its performance.  We encourage you to be enthusiastic and creative (costumes, props, ?).  Please see Gillis if you have any questions.

Shopping Cart Parade
When: Thursday, December 3rd this week in G block.  
Time: It will start after lunch with carts coming to the cafeteria at 12:30.  
The route: DOES NOT GO through the centre hallway (WIN and FN room).

One leadership student from your class as well as two cart pushers should accompany the cart. (Upstairs carts will be brought down on the lift during E block).  

Once carts are assembled in the cafeteria, G block classes will be asked to line the hallways to observe the parade.  Upstairs classes will assemble in the main hallway (between the gym and the library) and the main entrance.  
After the parade, leadership students as well as cart pushers will help to strip down the carts and sort the food in the cafeteria.

TAG Lessons and Activities

One Binder - Page Set-up

Social Skills for Middle Schoolers

Most are under 2,000 words;  included is an approximate word count where.They're also a refreshing change for an avid reader who wants a break from longer works. These stories offer a complete reading experience with great economy of words.

Christmas Crafts

Large Ball template
Medium Ball template
Small Ball template

DIY Paper Christmas Tree

Monday, November 2, 2015



E V E N T S   &   D A T E S

Nov. 11   Remembrance Day - No School
Nov. 13 Term Ends
Nov. 19 Parent Teacher Interviews
Nov. 27 Report Cards
Nov. 23 - Dec. 3  Christmas Food drive

Spirit Days:

  • Nov 13 LGBT or Hat day  ~ Paravantes
  • Nov. 27 Jersey day  ~ Hafeli

Theme: INTEGRITY (LIVE matrix)

This month’s tasks and teaching:

1. Revamping the LIVE matrix

The PBIS committee is looking to improve our matrix to better reflect the behavior expectations and practices happening at Brock.  Five years have passed since Brock became a middle school.  Our school has changed and the LIVE matrix needs a facelift.  PBIS promotes the use of common language within a behavior matrix that is then directly taught.  This matrix is supposed to be compiled through consultation from students and staff.  From this activity, the matrix would better reflect student understanding of the behavior expected at Brock.

Please spend some time in TAG this month discussing LIVE expectations/school rules with your class.  Use the following Google Doc to record these suggestions. Please use the color you have been assigned for your suggestions when typing in the document.  You will find this on the second page of the Google Doc - Blank LIVE Matrix

F o r m s
L.I.V.E Matrix (what you see on the posters)
A class copy could be printed off so that each student has a copy to read.  Discussion in pairs, small groups, then move to bigger or whole class discussion.

  • What do you understand in this chart?
  • What vocabulary or words do you not understand?
  • What rules would you add to this?
  • What rules do you feel you follow in LIVE ?  What rules do you think do not work or are not followed?
  • Aesthetics of the matrix chart… how can this be made more visually appealing?  Color? font?

Blank LIVE Matrix (editable Google doc)
  1. Go through this as a class and add your thoughts and ideas to what it means for each of the letters in LIVE.  The more student driven our Matrix is the better.

After teaching INTEGRITY, please revisit the matrix before the end of month to add/edit the Google Doc for any new contributions that can reflect their understanding.


To start: DISCUSS with students what INTEGRITY is/means to them.  

You could:

Use a KWL chart to brainstorm ideas about INTEGRITY

What I Know
What I Want to learn
What I have learned

SHARE the Definition of Integrity according to

integrity [in-teg-ri-tee] noun

  • adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
  • firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values :  incorruptibility
  • an unimpaired condition :  soundness
  • the quality or state of being complete or undivided :  completeness

1. dishonesty.

RECORD their answers on chart paper or have a class scribe keep the ideas that are brainstormed for future reference.

Are You a Person of Integrity?
(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself.)
I always try to do what is right, even when it is costly or difficult

I am true to my very best self.
I live up to the highest ethical standards.
I don't compromise my values by giving into temptation.
I think I am / am not a person of integrity because: ___________________

1. Bring in some newspaper articles about people who you think have integrity and people who you think who do not. What distinguishes one from the other? Who gets more play in the media?
2. Divide the class into small groups. Have each group develop a list of do’s and don’ts for being a person of integrity. Have them make oral reports to the class addressing the following questions: What happens when people live in accordance with these guidelines? What happens when they don’t? In what ways does integrity and lack of integrity affect our community and society? In what ways can/do young people demonstrate integrity?
3. Many people complain that political leaders lack integrity. Develop a checklist for evaluating the integrity of political leaders. Use this checklist, rank political leaders you are familiar with. Does a high ranking affect how you feel about these leaders? Would it influence the way you would vote?
4. Role play some typical situations in which a group of people try to put pressure on one person to do something that is against his/her principles. Do this several times with different outcomes, such as caving into the group’s pressure, or mustering the courage to stand up for what you believe. After the improvisation, discuss what you learned from this. Did you discover anything about group dynamics that you can use if you are ever in a similar situation?


1. How do you want to be remembered after you die?
2. Does thinking about how you want to be remembered tell you anything about how you should live your life?
3. Are you that kind of person?
4. In what way is your integrity your gift to yourself? In what way is it your gift to the world? Can you think of any examples?
5. Have you ever heard the phrase "Let your life speak"? What do you think that means?
6. Is being thought of as someone with integrity important to you? Why, or why not? How would you feel if someone accused you of not having integrity?
7. What does the word "integrity" mean to you?
8. What does the expression "walk your talk" mean? Do you know people who walk their talk? What do you think of them? Do you know people who don’t walk their talk? What do you think of them? How do you feel when you hear people say one thing and do another?
9. How do you feel when you see someone who’s not willing to stand up for his/her beliefs?
10. Have you ever taken a stand that was unpopular and had to pay the price for that?  What did you do? What was the outcome? How did you feel afterwards? What did you learn from the experience?
11. What does "compromising your principles" mean? Give an example. How far would you compromise your principles in order to get ahead?
12. In what ways do you benefit from making choices that are consistent with your highest values?
13. What do you think Gandhi meant when he said, "We must be the change we want to see?"
14. What does integrity have to do with your character?

What is Integrity?   Time 3:45

Integrity - from the movie Remember the Titans
Trust and Integrity - from movie Courage

OTHER LINKS TO SHARE (not Integrity related)

Bullied from Soul Pancake.  A short 7 minutes showing adults ‘speaking’ to their childhood bully.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Upcoming events

Oct 9    Pyjama day - Wasylik

Oct 16   Brock Blue - Stewart's Leadership class
Oct 12  Thanksgiving
Oct 23  PD day
Nov 13  Paravantes
Nov 27  Dress as an Athlete day - Hafeli 

This month's theme: LEADERSHIP (L.I.V.E. matrix)

The values of  L E A D E R S H I P  (according to the poster)

  • use positive language, cooperate and use manners
  • be inclusive
  • keep our school clean
  • listen while others are talking
  • make healthy choices
  • pick up litter
  • appreciate and focus on presentations
  • ask appropriate/respectful questions

This site has short, easy and direct teaching lessons to teach the social skills we want to teach this month and beyond.  It is broken down into columns - Prerequisite (skills) and then Skills in the classroom, with peers and then adults. Many of the lessons start with some role playing and then discussion, while others have a small art activity or reflection component.

LITTER pick up

Demonstrating leadership at the school level includes keeping our school clean.  Take some time to head out with your TAG class at least once during your designated week to pick up litter in our school yard.

Oct 6- 9      All grade 7 TAGs
Oct 13-16   Adams, Bloom, Cimmarusti, Hendry, McCormack, Paravantes
Oct 19-22   Brown, Blair, Coleman, Hafeli, Silver, Wasylik
Oct 26-30   Bubela, Bonderud, Chow, Dorais, Rasmussen

Movies to Inspire

*On the Way to School (Netflix)
Chasing Mavericks
Eight Below

* Note: Netflix will not work on the Thin Client computers

Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset Animation (YouTube)


Middle School titles

Middle School reads



21 Scary Halloween Short Stories